Just as fair warning: this blog entry is probably only
interesting to catalogers. And maybe not even every one of them, but I really
need to process my emotions about the Library of Congress Classification today.
I’m sure that all catalogers have had this happen to them:
you’re assigning a call number using the Library of Congress classification, no
big deal, flipping through (or scrolling through) the call numbers, you come to
what you want and then BAM! “see Table XYZ.”
That’s usually when I say under my breath “Please shoot me
I am not a fan of the tables in the LC classification.
Now, it’s not that the tables are hard, per se, when you get
the hang of them. It’s that they are all different, and they are used in
strange ways, and when you’re cataloging a lot of different kinds of materials,
you don’t use the same tables over and over again. Therefore you don’t ever
gain a lot of facility with any of the tables, and they are always slightly
If you are not a person who is familiar with the tables, but
have still read this far: there are lots
of tables. There are tables for assigning cutter numbers to a translation,
tables for fiction, tables for art, and even internal tables for every
schedule, interspersed throughout the scheme. They are little matrices for
making a complex call number even more complex and unique.
I’m not against the tables; they actually serve a very
important function which is to make space within the classification scheme for
all the various materials that might be cataloged and classified using it. But
they’re really confusing and they make me feel stupid every time I have to dive
into one. I don’t know if there is a solution to the problem of the tables, and
I don’t know that I would want to be the one to fix it, anyway. But I really wish that learning the tables
didn’t require 20 minutes of internet searching and re-learning every time I
need to use one, either.